
‘Anamnesis means remembrance or reminiscence, the collection and recollection of what has been lost, forgotten, or effaced. It is therefore a matter of the very old, of what has made us who we are. But anamnesis is also a work that transforms its subject, always producing something new. To recollect the old, to produce the new: that is the task of Anamnesis’. 

Anamnesis is the first solo exhibition of Clint Calleja. Anamnesis is a journey of trauma and memory. My intimate walk through the events that have shaped me as a person, father, teacher and artist. In his own words, "Anamnesis is a deep self-revelation, my coming to terms with the past to put my soul at rest.

Anamnesis is my innermost self-portrait."

Traumatic experiences may not be admitted in a person’s consciousness until they reach a safe period. Clint has reached this time and through this exhibition of paintings, sculpture and installations he is coming to terms with four life-changing events which unfold in a chronological order from his childhood to the present.

Chapter 4


This final chapter portrays the story of the artist’s son, who at 3 years of age was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. It is not a pity-story, but rather the family trauma and the challenges brought by this life changing condition.

Faith IV

Oil on wood featuring a montage of insulin needles

Insulin shots have become the order of the day as they pierce through life and the aspirations that the worst is behind us. Faith fades completely.

Not too high, not to low my son

Installation featuring sculpture of the artist’s son

This final chapter portrays the story of the artist’s son, who at 3 years of age was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes - a life-changing condition for the artist’s family.

This work recalls the recommendation imparted by Icarus’ father Dedalus, as he warns him not to fly too high nor too low, so the sun’s heat would not melt the wax which held his wings in place, nor would the sea’s breeze clog them. This advice also captures the daily challenge which Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) warriors face in order to control their blood sugar levels. The device featured in this work is connected to our warrior and is a real-life monitor measuring his levels. Not too high, not too low. From a story about ambition, Icarus has become a story about the bleak reality.


Anamnesis - Chapter 3