
‘Anamnesis means remembrance or reminiscence, the collection and recollection of what has been lost, forgotten, or effaced. It is therefore a matter of the very old, of what has made us who we are. But anamnesis is also a work that transforms its subject, always producing something new. To recollect the old, to produce the new: that is the task of Anamnesis’. 

Anamnesis is the first solo exhibition of Clint Calleja. Anamnesis is a journey of trauma and memory. My intimate walk through the events that have shaped me as a person, father, teacher and artist. In his own words, "Anamnesis is a deep self-revelation, my coming to terms with the past to put my soul at rest.

Anamnesis is my innermost self-portrait."

Traumatic experiences may not be admitted in a person’s consciousness until they reach a safe period. Clint has reached this time and through this exhibition of paintings, sculpture and installations he is coming to terms with four life-changing events which unfold in a chronological order from his childhood to the present.

Chapter 2

This chapter is not an obituary, but rather a walk through the traumatic effects imparted by the loss of a mother at such a young age. Distress remains imprinted in dim memories scattered in the consciousness. This reflects in the various images which are layered on top of each other, constantly manipulated and erased to add even more layers in these works. This chapter is dominated by paintings, which was the artist’s preferred medium at the time of this demise.

Faith II

Oil on wood and a montage of manipulated photographs

Entangled by the memories of a lost mother, faith darkens even further as childhood doubts become greater.

The Way to 16.03.12

Mixed media

Recounts the three-month calvary during which the artist followed his mother abroad for her final battle against cancer. Amid a recollection of prayers is a collage of memory-objects which bear witness to the demise and the despair of the immediate aftermath.

My Black Dog

Oil on board

The metaphor of black dog for depression comes from Winston Churchill who would say that there was a black dog following him in reference to his dour moods. The black in this metaphor refers to the darkness we feel inside. The dog is an unwanted companion who is too fond of you and follows you around. No matter where you go, it oversees and sniffs you out to follow you like an unwelcome presence. This black dog has an owner.


Oil on board

Oizys is the ancient Greek goddess of misery, anxiety, grief, depression, and misfortune, here represented as a secular lady of sorrows recalling the artist’s father saying “aħna twelidna taħt stilla sewda” (we were born under a black star).


Oil on canvas

Grief recalls the period of loss following this life-changing demise. A time of intense regret where you ponder and wish for a possibility of reaching the end of life before your mother. A cry in the dark.


Anamnesis - Chapter 1


Anamnesis - Chapter 3